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We host a teacher database and provide access to a theoretical and performance certification process.

Education: Text

PDQB Examinations

We offer a process to help piping and drumming students have their performance and theory skills officially recognized.


In striving to increase the uptake of piping and drumming in our region, we utilize the framework established by Scotland’s Piping and Drumming Qualifications Board (PDQB). This framework is divided into different piping and snare drumming levels as set out by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SCQF). The PDQB also has different levels for bass and tenor drumming.


This framework provides curricula for teachers, a way for students to progress in a non-competition based manner, and it provides fully recognized certification to successful examination candidates that could be leveraged for broader educational aims.

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Legal Research and Writing

Teacher Database

For individual instruction, there are many tuition options in the Ottawa Branch region for both piping and drumming.

Those on this list have opted in and have self-identified their teaching areas.

This list has not been vetted by the Branch, therefore it is the responsibility of students to confirm arrangements with a potential tutor. Individual fees are subject to instructor/student agreement.

Register as a Teacher

Are you a piping and/or drumming instructor in Eastern Ontario or West Quebec? If so, you might consider providing your contact information for our Teacher Database.

Composing Music
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Pipe Bands in the Region

Some bands in the region also provide piping and drumming instruction to their members.

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