February 20th Knockout Results
The results of the third Knockout are in! We had a very strong entry with 25 contestants across multiple categories. Thank you to all judges and competitors for taking part.
A Piping
Canadian Content H/J
Judge: Allan MacKenzie

What Canadian content gets featured? This event has been a staple in the Knockouts for many years. Ever wonder what Canadian composers get their tunes played most often in this event? Our thanks to Brian Williamson for analyzing this year’s entries and drawing up some interesting statistics!
Nine competitors each submitted a Canadian Content H/J, giving a possible 18 composers represented.
Twelve different composers' tunes were submitted:
1st - Bruce Gandy was the most popularly submitted composer, with 4 tunes submitted (22% of submissions)
2nd - Bill Livingstone tunes were submitted 3 times (17%)
3rd - Michael Grey tunes were submitted 2 times (11%)
9 other composers had one tune submitted (5% each), representing established composers of note and other composers of lesser renown
B Piping
Judge: Amy Garson

B Snare
Judge: Jim Bush
C Snare
3 / 4 March
Judge: Jim Bush
Watch now! Pro Bass Players Johnny Rowe and Arnaud Jean-Louis
As we announced back in the fall, tenor and bass contests are becoming part of the Knockouts this year, and moving forward.
This month, we had two professional bass players perform, and you can look forward to more performances from them in April. If you’re a pro bass player and also interested in putting a tune in, please contact us at info@ppbso-ottawa.org. Thank you Johnny and Arnaud for your support.

We encourage all interested tenor and bass players to consider entering next year. More details will be made available in the fall. Feel free to contact the Branch at info@ppbso-ottawa.org in the interim if you are interested and want to know more.
A Bass
Judge: Kate Dudek
A Tenor
Judge: Kate Dudek
Knockout Finalists
With the most recent results tallied, we are happy to announce this year’s Knockout finalists! Finalists will be asked to submit their performances for Saturday, April 3rd. Each finalist will be contacted with details on how and what to submit.
Finalists are determined as those with the three highest point totals in each category. In the case of ties, competitors with the same point totals are invited.
Full standings for 2020-21 are available here.
A Piping
Hugh Metcalfe
Andrew C. Robertson
Mike Fenton
Jean-Sébastien Gamache
B Piping
Paula Campbell
Ron J. Graham
Tristan Perry
Noah Yateman
C Piping
Donna Cooper
40+ Piping
Mike Walsh
A Snare
Aidan Hogan
B Snare
Owen Yateman
Gabriel Benay
C Drumming
Duncan Shaheen
Lillian Scott
A Tenor
Andrea Jackson
A Bass
Drew Ellis
PPBSO Survey
The PPBSO wants to hear from you!
The PPBSO is conducting a survey to help guide its future direction.
In follow up to the February 27th Town Hall, we'd appreciate a few minutes of your time to complete this brief survey.
Have questions? Contact us at admin@ppbso.org.