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News: PPBSO Online Contests, Webinars, Ottawa Branch Knockouts and More!

The PPBSO, the Ottawa Branch and other organizations are adapting their operations in these days of COVID-19. A number of events over the coming months are being planned. This article covers:

  1. PPBSO Online Contest Series

  2. Webinars, including the PPBSO Music Board’s “PPBSO In Conversation…” series

  3. Ottawa Branch 2020-21 Knockouts

  4. Other online contests

There has been a lot of work behind the scenes to adjust to our new reality over the past months. If you ever have questions about the Ottawa Branch or thoughts to share, always feel free to reach out to us.


PPBSO Online Contest Series

The PPBSO is launching an Online Contest Series for amateur competitors. Participation in the first event is free for current members!

Competitors will be asked to upload their performance and submit it (further instructions will be provided to competitors).


  1. Piping (Grades 1 – 5): Separate March and S/R events

  2. Snare Drumming: All categories

  3. Tenor Drumming: All categories

  4. Bass Drumming: All categories

Register AND upload videos by: June 14th at 11:59 PM. While this is a quick turnaround for the first event, keep in mind that it will be part of an entire series over the coming months.


Webinar series: “PPBSO In Conversation…”

Launches June 11th @ 12 PM ET with Finlay MacDonald

The PPBSO Music Board is launching a new webinar series. Committee member and professional piper Andrea Boyd will host a 45-minute conversation and Q&A with Finlay MacDonald, the new Director of Piping at the National Piping Centre and Artistic Director of Piping Live! Festival.

This event is free, but space is limited!


Webinar: How do I prepare for online competition?

Join Tyler Bridge and other panelists on June 13th @ 2 PM ET

Tyler Bridge – professional piper, Pipe Major of the Guelph Pipe Band, and music teacher – and joined by other panelists who will try to answer a big question on so many competitors’ minds these days: how do I prepare for online competition? We all think that it’s easy when you have professional quality recording equipment, but what happens when you just have your phone? How does the room you’re in affect your sound? What other tips and tricks will make you sound your best?

Registration for this webinar will be available soon. Details will be available via the main PPBSO site.


2020-21 Knockout Series

The Ottawa Branch is focusing its organizing efforts on the fall and winter calendar, and this includes preparing for the next Knockout series. The Branch is working on various scenarios should the event proceed online, in-person, or in some combination. Stay tuned for dates, categories, and other information.

Other Online Events

Other organizations are organizing online contests. Here are links to those that we’ve been asked to promote. There are many more out there though, so please forward any links or useful information about other events to the Branch and we will share it.

June 13th – Cumberland Valley Scottish Games Online – Information and registration here.

June 27th – Ohio Scottish Games – Registration closes June 13th and is available here.

July 18th – Ohio Valley Branch Online Contest – More information here.

July 25th – Hudson Valley Pipe Band Championships – Details to be announced soon and will be shared here.


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